Simple Calculator

Do simple and scientific calculations easily.

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[Key features]\nPerform four fundamental operations and engineering calculations.\n\nTo start the engineering calculator, tap the engineering calculator icon.\n\nTo check the calculation history, tap the calculation history icon.\n\nYou can use all the previously inputted formulas. Tap the formula you need from the calculation history.\n\n[Additional features]\nTo convert units, tap the unit calculator button. You can easily convert various types of\nCurrency,\nArea,\nLength,\nTemperature,\nVolume,\nMass,\nData,\nSpeed,\nTime,\nDate,\nBMI,\nDiscount,\nAge,\nNumeral System,\nGST,\nSplit bill,\nFrequency,\nFuel,\nAngle,\nPressure,\nForce,\nPower,\nLoan\n\n\nTo change theme mode, tap the night mode icon.\n\nTo specify the time of night mode, select time range from settings.\n\nTo change color, chose the color you want from settings\n\nTo delete a history, long press on it in the history page\n\nTo change language, select preferred language from settings.\n\nTo play a beep or vibrate when pressing a button, go to settings.\n\nTo change numerals, select preferred numerals from settings (All numerals are supported)\n\nTo change number format, select the preferred format from settings\n\nTo change decimal places after the comma, select the number of decimal places from settings\n\nTo enable / disable full screen, enable / disable it from settings.\n\nTo keep calculation record, enable/disable it from settings.\n\nTo keep the screen on, enable/disable it from settings.\nTo hide an icon, go to settings.\n\n*****\nLast but not least, all of these features come in small size and it is completely free.






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